BoxTone, a provider of enterprise mobility management (EMM) services and offering, has revamped its EMM platform, which the company says brings enterprise-grade mobility dashboard, control and governance to address CIO and CISO requirements.

The revamped platform delivers the first fully automated policy and compliance management engine with a comprehensive real-time mobile security dashboard, analytics, alerting, audit reporting and expanded integration with enterprise IT systems, said the company.

With this enhanced offering, enterprises will be able to extend their existing investments in people, processes and infrastructure to fully secure, manage and govern mobility as they do other critical enterprise IT systems, according to BoxTone.

The expanded BoxTone EMM platform takes an IT service management (ITSM)-based approach to mobile security, governance, risk and compliance.

BoxTone offering enables CIOs and CISOs to reduce risks and costs associated with human errors and gaps in coverage, by combining direct integration with existing policy and security systems – such as Microsoft Active Directory – with automated policy, change and compliance management.

BoxTone vice president of Products Brian Reed said with this major advance in their EMM platform, they have aligned enterprise mobility management with core IT services to help organisations accelerate and sustain mobility initiatives-securely, reliably and at the lowest risk and cost.

BoxTone’s EMM platform key enhancements include BoxTone’s security management dashboard; policy management; configuration management; compliance management; mobile analytics; and platform integration.

The expanded EMM platform integrates with existing security and policy management systems to ensure consistent policy enforcement across the enterprise; eliminates the typical risks associated with traditional MDM tools that create their own separate, gap-riddled policy stove-pipes, the company said.