Borland International Inc has released the next generation of its Object Pascal-based Delphi development tool. The Delphi 3 Client/Server Suite, which has been in development for around a year, is for building Windows 95 and NT client-server and distributed applications. It supports the recently launched MIDAS Multi-Tier Distributed Application Services Suite, a middleware technology for use by corporate software developers to build application servers, (CI No 3,151). The tool has 15 new coding Wizards to enable easy programming and ‘Insight’ modules which company says create ActiveX controls easily and provide codeless data analysis and decision support. Internet enhancements to the tool include the ability to build Web server and database applications and deliver them as thin-client ActiveX forms over the Web, which Borland says will reduce corporates’ software configuration and distribution costs. The company, despite its differences with Microsoft Corp at the moment (CI No 3,157), also announced the inclusion of the Internet Explorer Web browser in the suite, free of charge. Delphi 3 is priced at $2,000 for new users. Two other versions, Delphi 3 Professional and Delphi 3 Standard cost $800 and $100 respectively for new users. Upgrades are $250 for Professional, but no upgrade details were given for the other two. They are all available now.