Borland International Inc, Scotts Valley, California reckons that there is still plenty of life left in the old Ashton-Tate Corp product, and has put the new release of its dBase IV database management system – version 2.0 – up under Sun Microsystems Inc’s Solaris 386 2x Unix implementation, which is designed to run on Intel Corp iAPX-86-based machines. It has also updated its existing Digital Equipment Corp VAX 5.X, 6.X and Alpha VMS implementations. New features of dBase IV version 2.0 include mouse support, high-performance filters for faster queries, and more than 70 new language enhancements, such as new user interface commands. dBase IV version 2.0 for Unix, including the new Solaris environment, will be available in the autumn, the VMS version in the first quarter of 1994. No pricing was revealed.