Borland International Inc says its impatiently-awaited Paradox 4.0 is now available in retail stores, and claims that it offers tremendous speed and power gains, windows-like user interface, enhanced network performance and an expanded Paradox Application Language. It is an MS-DOS database but works seamlessly in mixed MS-DOS and Windows environments. Network performance is improved for greater multi-user concurrency, there is support for complex data types in memo fields and MS-DOS Protected Mode Interface memory management. The windows-like user interface has pull-down menus, mouse support, resizable windows and pop-up dialogue boxes. It is also claimed to provide the most SQL connections of any personal computer database currently available; it needs an 80286 with 2Mb. It costs $800, the local network licence for one additional user is $400; SQL Link connections cost $400 each; users of Paradox 2.0 and up can upgrade at $200.