Borland has announced plans to release a new requirements definition and management solution.

DefineIT lets you define a business scenario consisting of steps that are described in business terms. As the steps are defined in a Windows Explorer-type interface, flow diagrams are automatically generated. The steps can include details such as screen shots, urls that link to screen shots, and/or Word documents that can all eventually be used to populate the formal requirements.

The visual charting capability is similar to how Borland’s Together tools automatically generate UML diagrams from Java code on the fly.

Once the business scenarios are defined, DefineIT can generate test cases that can be fed to a testing tool. For now, an interface to Mercury is included, which will later be accompanied with a similar link to Segue after Borland finally closes the acquisition.

Each of these bells and whistles are fairly unique, because requirements definition still remains a largely manual process in most organizations. In most cases, business analysts compile Word documents and manually draw up Visio charts on a white board when meeting with stakeholders. The Borland tool would automate part of this process.

Additionally, when it comes to requirements management, where the requirements are stored and tracked for changes, the original Word documents and Visio charts are typically populated by hand. Borland’s DefineIT has a synchronize button that can automatically populate CaliberRM, the companion requirements management tool.

Also, it has file export capabilities so you can send the documents, charts, and screen shots to other requirements management tools such as IBM Rational Requisite Pro or Telelogic Doors. Eventually, Borland may add a more automated link akin to what it is offering out of the box with Caliber.

What’s missing at this point is a link with visual simulation offerings from providers like iRise, Serena, or startups like Simunication. The link would be useful because it appeals to the same business analyst and stakeholder constituency that Borland is targeting with DefineIT.

DefineIT is positioned as part of Borland’s requirements management and definition solution. Borland is also integrating the solution with Microsoft Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) Analyst solution.