Borland International Inc is shipping version 2.0 of its ObjectVision product in November. The Scotts Valley, California company also said it is developing a separate version of ObjectVision 2.0 for IBM’s OS/2 2.0 operating system. Initially launched in February this year, ObjectVision has been redeveloped in just seven months to include features that Borland claims are not available in other Windows software development products. These include one-to-many data structures and multi-record display in table objects to enable the development of common business applications such as order processing; event trees, which enable a visual definition to actions to be performed such as database update, modifying menus, moving to another form, linking to another Windows application; Object Bars, Property Inspectors, table objects, radio buttons and combo boxes that enable easier application creation. Rulers and adjustable grids to offer control over form design and user interface appearance are also part of the package. Version 2.0 also offers database filters, virtual fields and record locating options to facilitate functions such as database searches and queries. ObjectVision 2.0 is also one of the first applications to take advantage of Microsoft Corp’s Object Linking and Embedding technology. Borland also announced that it will soon introduce a separate version of ObjectVision 2.0 for the OS/2 2.0 operating system. All features in the new ObjectVision 2.0 product will be included in the OS/2 2.0 version, which is currently scheduled to be available in the first quarter of 1992. Borland is also developing an SQL link option for ObjectVision 2.0 that will support access to data on SQL Server, Sybase and DB2, to be available in early 1992.