Borland International Inc has formalised its agreement with Epson Sales, the marketing subsidiary of Seiko Epson Co, for the sale and technology licensing of a Japanese version of InterBase 3.2 – at Borland’s Tokyo announcement of InterBase last December, Epson was already demonstrating InterBase and the first release of InterBase JA3.2 is on Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcsystems, available from April 12; Borland plans to put the Japanese version of the database up on other machines; the Japanese version supports a number of new functions including distributed databases, active data processing – functions such as triggers and event alerters – language support (including support for both JIS and EUC codes sets) and binary large objects; Borland in conjunction with Epson Sales and its systems integration subsidiary Trans Abel, is to set up a Borland Authorised Support Centre for education and training.