Borealis Technology Corp used the first day of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) sofware show in Washington yesterday to launch Borealis Sales, a software suite designed specifically for the mobile environment. The company says the software, which integrates with Palm Computing connected organizers, will increase the productivity of mobile sales teams by providing a full-function opportunity, forecast, contact, and account management system based on its Borealis Mobile Computing Platform – a tool-based environment that provides remote synchronization and the ability to deploy applications based on the customers’ specific business needs.

In addition, the company announced a new program, called Borealis Reality Check, in which customers can sign up to see Borealis customized to meet their business requirements in 30 days. As well as the standard sales features, including calendaring and activity management, Borealis says the software also includes a new function, called White Board to provide users with a customized summary of all activity since his or her last synchronization. There’s also an information catalog which provides a repository for important reference materials and documents such as price lists, marketing brochures, competitive information and relevant web pages.