In the Internet market, if a web site isn’t available, a customer will click past it, said Mark Nilsson, chief technology officer, InterLan Technologies, a leading managed service provider. Our corporate mission is to provide the highest in availability with end-to-end eBusiness solutions. With BMC Software’s PATROL products standing behind our Windows environment we are assured of peak performance and uptime.

PATROL’s breadth and depth of monitoring and management capabilities including prediction, performance and diagnosis enables customers to fix problems before they affect their bottom line. Utilizing PATROL, customers can obtain centralized reports and graphs that provide detailed performance analysis to accelerate problem identification and enhanced communication. Through its diagnostic capabilities, PATROL allows .net users to look at thousands of symptoms of a problem in real-time and then automatically determine the actual root cause.

Today’s Internet and eBusiness economy is all about the customer experience, Michael Risse, general manager .net Developer Solutions Group, Microsoft, continued in the press release. Working with BMC as a Global Enterprise Partner allows us to ensure reliable and high-performance delivery of services that quickly contribute to a business’s bottom line.