By linking the Control-SA/Passport password generator and manager with its acquired Remedy product line, BMC reckons it will help reduce the down time of user accounts. It is said that almost 70% of calls to the enterprise helpdesk relate to problems of lost or forgotten passwords, and any system that helps automate some aspect of the password management process is bound to lead to operational efficiencies.

BMC sees market opportunities in pushing what it calls ‘pragmatic provisioning’ solutions with a remit that is much broader than the current market focus on identity management, and which takes in all aspects of the service desk, human resources and IT systems infrastructure. Over 6,000 business sites use Remedy’s Action Request System to manage custom-built workflow processes or use some form of its helpdesk, change management or asset management packages.

Effectively, Remedy software automates processes that are often monitored by BMC’s Patrol suite of systems management products. These sites stand as a logical target market for the Control-SA provisioning suite, though a Patrol install is not a necessary prerequisite to a rollout of Control-SA.

The company has also announced that its Control-SA program has been revamped to support the open-source standard of SPML. The Service Provisioning Mark-up Language specification is an XML-based framework for exchanging information between provisioning service points.

Source: Computerwire