Bluestone Software Inc has introduced a 100% pure Java web application server, built to a platform for applications written in the World Wide Web Consortium’s Extensible Markup Language (XML). XML is a superset of the web’s original HTML, but because it describes how content is structured, it offers many more possibilities than presently exist for organizing and searching content and building interoperable applications. Bluestone XMLServer fully supports Enterprise JavaBeans, but the company says it is much more than an EJB server. An XML content translator, generator and transport scripting vehicle are included, so that customers can create and read XML pages for communication between web and non-web applications and data objects. That means automatic exchange of data and information integration across applications running on different platforms all over the enterprise. In particular, XMLServer customers should be able to read XML from any source, including other EJB servers, files, Corba objects and so on, and output XML to any other source. At $2,995 per CPU, Bluestone says its pricing model compares well with the standalone EJB servers available today. XMl is emerging as the new powerhouse browser-support language, explained senior VP of marketing John Capobianco. It will be the next generation of EDI. With the growth in e-commerce creating considerable demand for an XML-enabled web application server, Bluestone hopes this product will generate a new market for the company, a market that in future might take advantage of XMLServer’s migration path to Bluestone’s Sapphire/Web framework.