Blue Coat has released a new software plug-in that adds Apple software updates, including updates for Apple iTunes, Safari browser and iPhone, to the applications that Blue Coat PacketShaper appliances can discover, monitor, assess and control.

The company claims that PacketShaper appliances enable enterprises to gain comprehensive understanding and control of how applications use bandwidth at their Internet gateway points or across the Wide Area Network (WAN) to branch offices.

According to Blue Coat, PacketShaper appliances also enable enterprises to identify software updates and limit the amount of bandwidth allocated to them or enforce rules over what can be downloaded, at what time of day and with what priority.

The company said that the new Apple software update classification complements an existing capability to discover, monitor and control music, videos and other content downloaded from the iTunes store.

In addition, companies with Blue Coat ProxySG appliances can benefit from dramatic bandwidth savings because software updates, such as those for iTunes, can be cached at the Internet gateway or branch office so that they only need to be downloaded a single time rather than for each person requiring one.

Steve House, senior director of product marketing and management at Blue Coat Systems, said: "Companies need to manage and protect the bandwidth they have at Internet gateway points and across the WAN to ensure that critical business processes are not impaired or interrupted.

"The new ability to classify Apple software updates enhances the granular application visibility and comprehensive control that PacketShaper appliances provide, enabling businesses to align network use with business requirements."