Following the US holiday of Thanksgiving, the shoppers were out in force on Black Friday. Looking at IBM’s Black Friday Results 2014, CBR gives you the most important numbers from this year’s Black Friday.


Thanksgiving Day had the edge over Black Friday when it came to mobile traffic, with Thanksgiving seeing for the very first time mobile devices outpace PCs for online browsing.

52.1% of all online traffic was from mobile devices on Thanksgiving, while Black Friday mobile traffic reached 49.6%. This was, however, an increase of 25% over last year.

Mobile sales on Black Friday accounted for 27.9% of total online sales. This is up 28.2% over 2013.


Recording a decrease from 70% in 2013, Black Friday online sales were 63.5% higher than Thanksgiving Day. Black Friday scored another victory with the average order value, with Thanksgiving Day averaging $125.25 and Black Friday $129.37.


Tablets beat smartphones when it came to sales, with tablets driving 16% of online sales compared to 11.8% for smartphones, a difference of 35.5%. Tablet users also averaged $126.50 per order compared to $107.55 for smartphone users, a difference of 17.6%.

$121.86 vs $98.07

The battle between iOS and Android came out with a clear winner on Black Friday. There was a 24.3% difference in the average spend per order, with iOS users averaging $121.86 per order compared to $98.07 for Android users.

34.2% of all online traffic came from iOS users, more than double the 15% contributed by Android users. iOS also beat out Android in online sales, with iOS accounting for 21.9% of total online sales. This was nearly quadruple that of Android, which drove 5.8% of all online sales.


An average of 5.3 emails were sent by retailers on Black Friday, a decrease of more than 11% when compared with 2013. This suggests that retailers are approaching email to customers with more focus, less frequency.

Open and click-through rates were 12.9 percent and 2.4 percent, on Black Friday and Thanksgiving Day, compared to 15.4 percent and 2.8 percent respectively, last year.