Pirated BitTorrents provider IsoHunt has agreed to shut down all its operations as part of a court settlement in a piracy lawsuit filed by Motion Picture Association of America.

IsoHunt has also agreed to pay $110m against allegations that the website provoked the pirating of movies and TV shows.

MPAA chairman Chris Dodd said the move was a major step forward for legitimate commerce online.

"It also sends a strong message that those who build businesses around encouraging, enabling, and helping others to commit copyright infringement are themselves infringers, and will be held accountable for their illegal actions," Dodd said.

Reports reveal that the site is currently still online, while it would soon be shut.

A group of firms including, Disney, Paramount and Twentieth Century Fox, challenged isoHUNT for breaching copyright by listing several millions of popular movies and TV shows, in a court battle that lasted for seven years.

Site owner Gary Fung said: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race and I have remained faithful. 10.5 years of IsoHunt has been a long journey by any business definition and forever in internet start-up time."