Bitrix has released Intranet Portal 8.5, an enterprise 2.0 software designed for collaboration, communication, social networking, workflow and knowledge management for small and medium-sized businesses.

The company said Intranet Portal 8.5 allows business process design and deployment across the organisation. It uses drag-and-drop actions to visualise the process construction, synchronise people and departments and automate routine activities.

Bitrix said that it has extended its value proposition for SMBs with the extranet module that provides a protected workspace for business communications with partners and other external users. The new capability provides collaboration and communication tools including workgroups, calendars, social networking, reporting, task and workflow management, blogs, polls, knowledge base and gadgets.

According to Bitrix, the site controller module enables integration with Site Manager, a CMS for management of websites. The web analytics module allows user community monitoring, analysis and reporting for understanding of user activity and intranet troubleshooting. The event scheduler finds available timeslots based on the participants’ schedules and instant meeting room booking.

Dmitry Valyanov, president of Bitrix, said:For many years Bitrix spearheaded the industry with technological advances like PRO+PRO(TM) security framework, built-in XMPP/Jabber instant messenger and open source availability. The latest release delivers to our customers a range of unique features introducing more flexibility and power in an evolving Enterprise 2.0 environment.