Arise, Sir Robin – Robb Wilmot’s former sidekick at ICL Plc, who is now chairman of BICC Plc receives a knighthood in the Queen’s Birthday Honours; a CBE goes to British Telecommunications Plc’s Anthony Booth, managing director of special businesses and international affairs; and also to Edward Peett, director of Vodafone Group Plc; Professor Alan de Pennington, professor of computer-aided engineering at the University of Leeds gets an OBE, and there are MBEs for Ernest Begbie, chief installation engineer at GEC Ferranti Defence Systems; Arthur Dyer, senior research fellow at the GEC Plc’s Hirst Research Centre; David Ellis and John Vaughn, both senior principal engineers at Matra Marconi Space Ltd, and Alan French, applications development manager, Marconi Instruments Ltd – honoured for services to science; congratulations to all.