Microsoft search engine Bing has begun taking ‘right to be forgotten‘ requests.

The search engine is following Google in removing links to web pages after the EU’s landmark ruling in May that established people have a right to ‘being forgotten’ on the internet.

Google, with a 69% stake in the search engine market, according to Net Market Share, has received more than 70,000 requests so far, while Bing has now introduced an online form for those who wish for links to be expunged from its search results.

The form says: "This information will help us to consider the balance between your individual privacy interest and the public interest in protecting free expression and the free availability of information, consistent with European law.

"As a result, making a request does not guarantee that a particular search result will be blocked."

Bing has just a 5.6% market share, behind Yahoo, Chinese search engine Baidu and Google.

But its four-part questionnaire will allow people to ask it to remove links to "inadequate", "irrelevant" or "no longer relevant" web pages from its search results.