The top five PC makers-Compaq Computer Corp, Packard Bell NEC Inc, Hewlett-Packard Co, IBM Corp and Dell Computer Corp command 50.6% of the French PC market, compared to 46% last year, says a new study by International Data Corp. In a report in Les Echos, IDC says Compaq gained nearly a full percentage point in overall market share, to 13.7%, and increased its lead over number-two IBM in the high-end business server market. Packard Bell NEC, which purchased direct marketer Brett, consolidated its overall number-two position, with 12.4%. HP, at 10.2% overall, gained ground in the consumer PC segment, but lost the number-two spot in high-end servers to IBM. IBM, on the other hand, saw poor performance in the consumer market, IDC said, but still comes in with 9.2%. Dell became a major player, as its market share edged past 5% (5.1%). Apple, which has always been strong in France, nonetheless saw its market share drop brutally, from 5.6% in 1996 to 3.4%, putting it back to seventh place, after Toshiba, with 4.4%.