The Spanish market for electronics had a black 1992, with sales down 17% to $10,800m on 1991, which was already a disappointing year, says a report from the country’s National Association of Electronics Industries, ANIEL. Spain had a total electronics trade deficit of $5,600m. National production of $5,600m and imports of $8,500m fell over 10% each, while exports grew 4% to $2,900m, says a recap of the report in Les Echos. Telematics, which combines information systems and telecommunications, was the most affected, with sales of $5,700m and production of $2,900m down by 21% over 1991, the report said. Telecommunications alone registered a drop of 30% in sales and 27% in production, while informatics registered a revenue decline of 15% and production decline of 7%. The experts say Spain won’t see a pick-up before 1994 or 1995.