BICC Data Networks Ltd says it is developing a set of products designed link networks based on existing protocols to the Fibre Distributed Data Interface standard for fibre optic networks: the first product is likely to be the IsolanFDDI/802.3 bridge providing connection between 100Mbps fibre backbones and Ethernet nets; this will later be supplemented by a fibre to Token Ring bridge, the Isolan FDDI/802.5, which will be able to link Ethernet and Token Ring sub-networks over an FDDI-based backbone; finally, Maidenhead, Berkshire-based BICC Data will be introducing an FDDI Concentrator to link workstations designed to work directly over fibre; the Isolan FDDI/802.3 bridge should be on the market around mid-October, and will cost UKP19,500; the price and availability of the Token Ring bridge and the Concentrator products are to be made known in the coming weeks.