Bharti Telesoft said that the acquisition will expand its portfolio of value added products and services to mobile operators globally. The company offers mobile entertainment and mobile commerce solutions as well as messaging, roaming and call management products and services.

Jataayu operates in the wireless application protocol (WAP) space, providing technology solutions in the internet domain for both mobile devices as well as operators.

Bharti Telesoft said that it has already entered into an initial agreement with Jataayu and an announcement is likely to be made shortly.

Jataayu recently announced that it was offering mobile instant messaging and presence service (IMPS) to mobile operator Saudi Telecom Company, in partnership with Ericsson.

The mergers and acquisitions space has seen increased activity in India due to the acquisition of Indian companies by foreign IT majors such as the acquisition of Yasu Technologies by German software company SAP and Fortune Technologies by Nordic-based TietoEnator.

Source: ComputerWire daily updates