Just when we thought the Amstrad legacy had finally passed away, it seems that the former UK based PC maker has performed a Doctor Who like regeneration, transferring its identity into a new body. Betacom Plc, the successful consumer electronics business which used to be majority owned by Alan Sugar’s Amstrad Plc, is to take on the Amstrad name, it was revealed on Tuesday. Amstrad Plc de- listed from the London Stock Exchange in July and passed its majority shareholdings in Betacom Plc and Viglen Ltd (the PC direct sales business now called Viglen Plc) to the former Amstrad shareholders as a de-merger on cessation of Amstrad’s trading activities. Sugar’s influence was still ever present however, the controversial figure having been installed as chairman of Betacom several months ago. Betacom had previously purchased the rights to use the Amstrad, Fidelity, Sinclair and Integra brand names for 6m pounds in June this year, but now the company itself will revert to the better known corporate identity of Amstrad after a vote at the AGM. Betacom Plc has reported net profits for the year to June 30 up 150% at 1.4m pounds on revenue that rose 169% to 43.1m pounds.