Norsk Data A/S lifted the veil last week on its UK operations, saying that it had done UKP15m of business in the UK since Wordplex Information Systems Plc was integrated in August 1987. By September of last year the sales and marketing organisations of both companies had been combined. And within two months of the contract becoming unconditional (CI No 742) the operations had been fully integrated. Around 160 people have been made redundant, 80 from Wordplex’s UK operations and around the same number from overseas units. The job losses overseas have mainly been as a result of closure of sites in the US, Hong Kong and Singapore. With the acquisition of Wordplex, Norsk sees a way into the UK market and the blue chip companies that have so far been reluctant to get involved. It is looking to develop its product base and add communications capabilities. The Norwegian is keen to work with fourth generation languages and standards in order to satisfy a much larger customer base. Plans are also being laid for the total integration of its product line with that of Wordplex. And as far as further acquisitions go, an Australian company would seem a likely choice to strengthen Norsk’s current position in that market. The manufacturing side of Wordplex will remain in Slough but the main business will move to Norsk Data’s manor in Newbury, Berkshire. The combined turnover of the two companies for the year was in the order of UKP38m.