A Belgian bank claims it will be the first in Europe to start a telephone service that uses voice verification to confirm the identity of customers. Brussels-based BACOB Bank will start a trial next month using its own staff where any financial transaction will have to be verified with a password registered on the system.

The bank will use software provided by Keyware Technologies NV, a biometric verification company that offers security services based on technology that exploits the fact that human characteristics such as voice, face and fingerprints are unique to each individual. Keyword has supplied BACOB with a system based on Lernout & Hauspie’s speech engine. Each time a user supplies a password it is compared with the voiceprint on the database before the system decides whether the transaction can be approved.

BACOB was the first in Belgium to offer telephone banking but at present the bank insists on calling back customers at an agreed number if they want to transfer money to other accounts. With voice verification, customers can be given unlimited access and can use the bank’s services from any telephone location.

Keyware’s voice verification system is already used by the prison system in Belgium. Prisoners granted parole on strict conditions at an agreed address have to confirm their presence to the authorities with the use of Keyware’s software.