Together the firms provide a service dubbed cost information management and visualization to deliver cost estimates via a building information models (BIM) cost model. Dprofiler communicates the estimate and scope of work for the project thereby capturing the confidence of the team members through quantifiable and qualitative data, said Beck Technology.

Stewart Carroll, COO of Beck Technology, said: Apex has wholeheartedly adopted macro BIM as their go to tool in the conceptual phases of their projects. Apex realizes that one of the biggest difficulties in the early phases of projects is to align the assumptions between, owner, architect and contractor. Through its use of Macro BIM Apex will provide enormous benefit to its clients.

Claude Eudaric, CEO of Apex Cost Consultants, said: The extreme volatility inherent in the ‘Global Economy’ has made it very difficult to accurately predict construction costs. This is especially true at the conceptual phase of construction projects. Dprofiler, a macro BIM cost estimating tool, allows us to both visualize and identify for our clients the multiple variables that will affect the costs of their projects.