According to the company BeazleySource is a proprietary platform designed to deliver customized risk management services to insureds based on their individual exposures.

Among the features of the suite, Beazley noted its online training modules concerning sexual harassment, employee terminations, compliance information and discrimination practices.

We consulted widely and have designed the risk management services available through BeazleySource to address the real issues that face employers today, said Carrie Brodzinski, Beazley’s US product manager for EPL and BeazleyOne.

Insureds can begin accessing BeazleySource by self registering on the site. Upon initial registration, they can manage who within their organization can gain access to the site and can also select which portions of the site are accessible by individual users.

The site is designed to offer maximum flexibility and ease of use. This next generation of web-based risk management offers significant advantages such as self registration, faster, smarter training modules and more frequent updates that truly make it state of the art, Brodzinski said.