BEA yesterday announced the Java Community Process (JCP) has ratified Java Specification Request (JSR) 181 — or Web Services Metadata — which helps simplify development of Java web services.

JSR 181, which is now an official Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) API, provides syntax to define web services at the source code level. This definition enables web services to appear as components that are dragged-and-dropped into place by developers using tools inside their programming environment.

The specification is based on BEA’s WebLogic Workshop Controls architecture that first shipped in 2002 the year BEA said it planned to submit Controls to the JCP.

In March last year, though, it emerged BEA had cancelled this plan, and told ComputerWire it was working with IBM and Sun Microsystems to take Controls to a more mature pre-standards level before submission and ratification.

On issue was the fact controls were designed to run on the BEA architecture.

Since BEA spoke of submitting Controls to the JCP, the company has gone on to release an open source version of its developer workshop consisting of Controls along with JWS files, Java Page Flows and XML Beans for implementation on non-BEA platforms.