BEA Systems Inc yesterday announced the acquisition of Component Systems Inc, a Silicon Valley-based consulting firm specializing in designing and developing component architectures for large- scale e-commerce applications. Financial terms were not disclosed. Component Systems’ consultants will form the nucleus of BEA’s new Component Architecture Group within its professional services organization, BEA said.

The group has been set up to help customers architect new, large- scale applications using technologies such as Java, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) and Corba. Pleasanton, California-based Component Systems, whose customers include the likes of, DHL Systems and Norwest Bank, helps companies develop and implement component-based applications for such things as commercial banking, on-line package shipping and tracking, on-line stock trading and other services. Components are reusable building blocks of software code that can be quickly assembled into new or modified applications, thereby reducing development time and costs.

Barbara Britton, VP of professional services for BEA said the company’s customers are increasingly using the technology for building their next generation e-commerce applications. We’ve seen growth in demand from our customers to provide more in-depth services to help them architect these new systems, she said. She added that BEA chose to acquire Component Systems because it had been working with its consultants on major customer projects over the past two years. Their first-rate architectural expertise in Java, EJB and Corba has enabled several highly successful deployments, she said. Under the deal, Component Systems’ 30 employees throughout the US and Europe will transfer to BEA.