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  1. Technology
June 14, 1998


By CBR Staff Writer

Be Inc, which will be aiming to increase the profile of the Intel-based version of its BeOS operating system for multimedia at PC Expo this week, quietly supplemented its software portfolio a few months ago with the acquisition of StarCode Software Inc. StarCode, based in Redwood City, California, was founded in 1996 to build software management and distribution tools specifically for BeOS. It shipped the PackageBuilder software installer in the same year, and followed it with its full SoftwareValet software management package, shipped with the Preview Release of BeOS in July 1997. The BeDepot internet mail package for BeOS was launched at the same time, and later used for, an online commerce service for software distribution. The software is currently being integrated into a new line of BeOS products and services. Be wants the software to give its application developers the means to market their software electronically.

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