Cleveland, Ohio company Basmark Corp continues to find new hosts for its IBM Basica- and Quickbasic-compatible Basmark Basic compiler: the product now works with C-ISAM and a version for the DataFlex data management software is in the works. Other ports completed or in the works include Santa Cruz Operation Xenix/386, Microport System V, Interactive Systems’ 386/ix, while new hardware ranges supported include the complete ICL Clan range and DRS 3000 under Unix; Altos Computer; and Stride Micro. Basmark reckons that its products appeal to software houses and users seeking to shift their MS-DOS software to multi-user systems Unix, Xenix or VMS – as quickly as possible by recompilation, in contrast to the more involved process associated with the growing number of products that translate MS-DOS Basic software into the C language. Basmark Basic is distributed in the UK by Multi Concepts Ltd of Wokingham, Berkshire.