In anticipation of the final Christmas delivery posting date of December 19, 2006, Barclaycard Business has developed a guide for retailers so that they can protect themselves when selling their goods and services online, as thousands of customers go online to order last-minute presents.

While the majority of sales are legitimate, the banking group is encouraging retailers to keep an eye out for suspicious transactions and to ensure proper checks are carried out despite the rush to fulfill last-minute orders.

The guide contains information on security measures to prevent card-not-present (CNP) crime. These include types of questions a retailer should ask when accepting plastic card transactions over the internet, mail order, fax or by phone, added security features available via the card schemes for retailers to further protect themselves and a number of methods to ensure that security checks and balances are maintained from the moment an order is made until the goods have been delivered.

As we enter the last few days of the Christmas shopping season it is very easy for retailers inundated by orders to forget the basic steps that protect them from card fraud, stated Bill Thomson, commercial director of Barclaycard Business. This Christmas more people will be buying online and over the phone than ever before. To make the most of this, retailers can use the guide from Barclaycard Business to ensure they have a fraud-free Christmas.