Barcelona Tecnologia SA is targeting 13% growth for 1993, or turnover of $2.6m, after announcing revenues of $2.1m for its 1992 fiscal year, and UKP180,000 pre-tax profits. The group supports and promotes innovative technology – over the last five years, it has marketed 46 new products, such as semiconductor module encapsulators and a product for the cryo-preservation of heart valves. It has also invested over $18m in helping 12 new companies to get started. In addition, Tecnologia has participated in various European Community projects such as the Gaudi Project. The first phase involved controlling access to a certain area of Barcelona during the Olympic Games by using an automatic vehicle identification system. Tecnologia is a mixed capital stock company, with total capitalisation of $1.5m. Consorcio de la Zona Franca owns 17.3%; Iniciativas SA, 14.7%, Control y Aplicaciones, Enisa, Compania General de Aguas de Espana SA each hold 11.6%; Unidad Hermetica, Banca Catalana, Comet, Barcelona Activa, Servicios de Gestion Tecnologica each have 5.8%; the University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Polytechnic of Catalonia own 1.2% respectively; and finally, Credem has the other 0.6%.