Enterprise networking specialist Banyan Systems Inc, based in Westborough, Massachusetts is clearing out its old stock and used its user conference in Chicago last week to announce closer ties with Attachmate Corp, which will provide Banyan Vines users with remote access and enterprise-wide host access facilities. Banyan will deliver Attachmate’s Remote LAN Node with full Vines and StreetTalk support as its remote access system. The decision marks the end for Banyan’s remote access offering, PC Dial In and both Banyan and Attachmate will offer users a direct migration path to Remote LAN Node. Remote LAN Node is an enterprise remote access product that provides users with remote access over MS- DOS, Windows, Windows95, Windows NT, OS/2, or Macintosh ARA clients. Banyan will also offer Attachmate’s new Emissary TCP Server as its new 32-bit enterprise-wide host gateway. As a result, the Banyan Comm Server will be replaced. The product will give Banyan users a gateway that supports up to 2,000 users, provides direct channel attachment for optimal performance, simplifies enterprise management through its support of StreetTalk and give Banyan customers the option to use either Vines or TCP/IP. In addition, Attachmate’s Extra! Personal Client and new Extra! Office Client now support host access via Banyan’s Base and Advanced 3270 SNA Services. According to Banyan, the 3270 facilities address the needs of a very large base of Banyan users who previously were limited only to MS-DOS-based communications, by providing state of the art 3270 client support. All products will be ready this month but no prices are available.