IT services employees at the Co Dublin-based Bank of Ireland announced on Tuesday night that they are to go on a 24 hour strike over the proposed outsourcing of the bank’s IT operations including 300 staff to Palo Alto, California-based Hewlett-Packard.

Some 220 of the staff at Bank of Ireland’s internal IT services unit ITSIS are members of the Irish Bank Officials’ Association (IBOA), which wants job security guaranteed for the staff for the full seven years of the Hewlett-Packard contract. However, the bank is only prepared to guarantee the jobs for a period of two years. The strike is scheduled for July 23.

Hewlett Packard announced in April that it had won a $600m deal with the bank to manage its desktop, midrange servers, mainframes, networks, output and printing and facilities. HP said it would aim to drive down costs, and would share the savings realized with the bank.

Source: Computerwire