The Dublin, Ireland-based PKI specialist began looking for a buyer in late May and appointed JP Morgan to seek binding offers by June 30. With that stage of the process now completed, the company has reported that it is considering its options, which include the sale of individual parts of the business.

Baltimore confirms that it is in advanced discussions regarding several offers for the whole of the company, as well as several offers regarding specific parts of the company, and will update the market on the progress of those discussions in due course, it said in a statement.

During 2002, the company sold off parts of its business to get down to the bare bones of its access control, authorization, authentication and digital signature technologies. Its core remaining assets include the UniCert PKI authentication suite, SelectAccess authorization software, the Trusted Business Suite pre-packaged software modules and the Trusted Portal Suite, not to mention a 15.6m pound ($25.9m) cash balance.

Source: Computerwire