Baker & Taylor and epixtech successfully completed testing orders and invoices with Horizon earlier this month. Both orders and invoices can be transmitted and received by the customer’s Horizon system via Internet file transfer protocol (FTP). Baker & Taylor library customers who have the Horizon acquisitions system can now take advantage of electronic ordering and invoicing at no additional charge, eliminating the need for a modem and phone line to send orders.

This service is another example of our focus on enhancing customer service — making it easier for customers to do business with us, said Michael Harris, director of information technology group at Baker & Taylor. It also demonstrates our commitment to making the latest in technology work for us.

Rob Walton, epixtech’s director of product management and marketing, noted, epixtech’s Horizon library software has proved to be extremely versatile. Baker & Taylor has found a new and exciting way to use the Horizon acquisitions module of the system in connection with EDIFACT to aid their library customers with electronic invoicing. It is very gratifying for us to see our product used in a new way that will aid libraries and businesses.

The Omaha Public Library in Nebraska was one of the first customers to begin electronic ordering/invoicing with Baker & Taylor using the Horizon system. Francis (Grant) Geiger, head of the ordering department for the Omaha Public Library, said, Electronic invoicing is just terrific. It saves work and is easy to use. Right from the start the data was accurate. Both epixtech and Baker & Taylor should be commended for their cooperation in making electronic invoicing a reality.