BackWeb Technologies Inc has released the beta of the third version of its eponymous push technology software. New this time is the ability to customize the user interface to represent the customer with the client administration kit. It also enables anybody on the network with a browser to publish channels, rather than causing a bottleneck by having to go through the network administrator, says the company. To aid this process BackWeb has produced a Publishing Wizard, which steps the user through the process. The new version also adds IP multicasting technology from Reuters Holdings Plc’s Tibco Inc subsidiary. Both that and the wizard are optional add-ons. Users of BackWeb 2.1 get a free upgrade to the basic 3.0 version. The server runs on Solaris and Windows NT. The new client and server will both be up at from August 29. The final version should ship four weeks after that. The server will be available with or without the Tibco technology. San Jose-based BackWeb says it is in the process of joining the world Wide Web Consortium (W3C).