The information and payment card technology specialist achieved revenues of $261 million in Q2, up from $226.9 million in 2004. The company’s core cards segment delivered $243.1 million in income.

Of its card products, mobile communications brought in $160.4 million in revenues, representing a 20% increase on the previous year, while financial cards achieved revenues of $54.6, a 14% increase over 2004. During the period Axalto delivered over 110 million microprocessor cards, a 36% volume growth. Outside of its card business, point of sale terminals brought in $17.7 million in income at a more modest growth rate of 6%.

Geographically, strong growth in the Americas, which became the company’s second largest business region, offset disappointing trends in China. Overall revenues in the Americas increased by an impressive 71%, however income from Asia declined by 20%.

Commenting on these results Olivier Piou, Axalto’s chief executive said: Axalto delivers another impressive performance, in highly competitive conditions. Axalto performance during the first half of the year demonstrated once again the effectiveness of its balanced growth model. We can confidently expect very significant progress in our first-half earnings.

Axalto switched from using the US GAAP standards accounting system to the International Financial Reporting Standards at the beginning of the year.