According to the company, the new patents are part of the 10 foreign and domestic Avistar patents covering real-time communications that have been issued since early September 2008.

These 10 new patents nearly double the company’s existing 13 patents in the real-time communications area, adding valuable new coverage involving text IM, VoIP, desktop video conferencing, as well as wireless communications, mobile devices, directories and servers used to provide these services, said Avistar. The resulting 23 patents share priority dates of 1993 and cover a vast array of essential aspects of real-time communications, added Avistar.

Simon Moss, CEO of Avistar, said: These new patents, which apply to service offerings and products involving two or more real-time communications services, continue to expand Avistar’s intellectual property coverage. From a product perspective, our commitment to R&D means that our customers continue to get the latest technology, allowing us to set the pace for the industry.