Analyst Frost & Sullivan has estimated the potential market is worth $1.2bn annually and Autonomy will be taking on companies like E.piphany Inc that offers its Interaction Advisor.

However, Autonomy dismisses ruled-based applications offered by competitors as outdated and offering little useful information to managers. It argues that the process of monitoring the quality of interactions within a contact center has been limited by the inability of computers to understand the content and context of conversations and exchanges of information.

It says its pattern-recognition-based Audentify can monitor interactions between agent and customer and can be integrated with existing enterprise applications, such as CRM, BI and ERP solutions. If there was a flood of calls complaining about a product, management could be quickly and automatically alerted to the problem.

Audentify is also designed to help agents’ interaction with customers by listening to the incoming call and suggesting information that could solve a problem. It could also enable cross-selling opportunities by profiling customers. Where agents were under-performing, they would automatically be sent E-learning materials.

Audentify is based on Autonomy’s core IDOL platform, and the company says that it was customer demand that led it to tailor a product for this specific market. It will be offered directly and through OEM deals. Autonomy has upped its R&D spend by 20% this year and another new product aimed at a new product is in the pipeline.

Source: Computerwire