IBM said the product was built in response to studies that indicate an increase in the manufacture of embedded electronics systems by 2010, spurred on by electrical-based auto breakdowns. According to the company, this is making warranty management expensive for automakers and fleet owners.

The Parametric Analysis Center analyzes collections of data from in-car electronic components in an attempt to identify problems at each stage of the vehicle-making process.

Today much of the data that we capture at the repair shop to diagnose problems with a particular vehicle are lost once the vehicle is repaired, said IBM researcher Nathaniel Mills, who invented the technology. With an approach like this, data can be preserved and used to develop automated analysis routines to help all mechanics correctly diagnose the same type of problem as well as to provide an early warning system to identify major issues affecting many vehicles.

According to IBM, the new Parametric Analysis Center allows original equipment manufacturers to deliver parametric and diagnostic data to IBM who will then analyze the data using algorithms to create recommendations and reports addressing specific vehicle or fleet wide issues. The company is also claiming to offer continuous consultative analytical services.