Roseland, New Jersey-based Automatic Data Processing Inc has now launched its financial information system, Global Partner, in the UK. Global Partner is a personal computer-based service that distributes tick by tick financial information 24 hours a day. According to Mike Cunningham, general manager for ADP UK, Global Partner is a credible alternative to today’s players because it is one of the select few products that runs under Windows, OS/2, Unix and even on a Toshiba laptop. Cunningham believes the laptop version will take off because it provides users with knowledge of financial markets in advance of and after leaving the office. Global Partner has 110 data feeds direct from exchanges around the world, with eight different news and research services including AP Dow-Jones, Cable News Network, Nikkei and AFX Extel. It also covers worldwide foreign exchange markets, money markets, precious metal exchanges and fixed income markets. The software uses a Windows-based architecture which is accessed via a graphical users interface that ADP calls a command centre. It also has a Bond Calculator feature that can be used with futures and options, coupon and discount bonds and international and US government securities. Users can access research documents via electronic delivery through a Multex Publisher. The software has a Dynamic Data Entry Interface to Microsoft Corp’s Excel package enabling users to analyse market data in a spreadsheet format. Global Partner runs on an 80486 personal computer acting as a NetBIOS Token Ring to TCP/IP Ethernet Gateway. It is out now with an OLE 2.0 version due next year.