Autodesk Inc’s Multimedia Division has announced the Cyberspace Developer Kit Release 2, an upgrade of its tool set for three dimensional visualisation and simulation. It offers Windows 32s support and will ship with a precompiled Platform Viewer to enable the launching of the Kit-based applications from within Windows, as well as the real-time viewing of 3D Studio and AutoCAD models and scenes. In addition to importing textures and animation data from 3D Studio, it can use static and animated camera and light information as well, enabling immersive, real-time interaction with 3D Studio scenes and models. It ships with a Gourad- and Phong-shading Z-buffer rendering engine and supports .TIF, .GIF and .TGA texture mapping file formats. The Kit requires an 80486 with 12Mb RAM, 80Mb free disk storage. MS-DOS 3.3, Windows 3.1, Win32s library, Visual C++ 32-bit compiler. The Kit will ship sometime this quarter for $2,000. The price of Release 1 is cut to $1,000.