A new laser system devised by researchers from TriLite Technologies and Vienna University of Technology claims to display a 3D effect without requiring any special glasses.

It works by sending laser beams into different directions, which enable different pictures to appear from different angles. Currently it offers a resolution of five pixels by three.

Vienna University of Technology professor Ulrich Schmid said: "We are very happy that the project was so successful in such a short period of time."

"It took only three years to get from the first designs to a working prototype. The technology has now been patented and presented in several scientific publications."

Austrian researchers' Laser system

The new display is also capable of delivering hundreds of pictures, which researchers describe as life-like, adding ‘Walking by the display, one can get a view of the displayed object from different sides, just like passing a real object’.

Researchers have also developed a new video format for such projections.

TriLite Technologies CTO Franz Fiedler said: "Today’s 3D cinema movies can be converted into our 3D format, but we expect that new footage will be created especially for our displays – perhaps with a much larger number of cameras."

Work is currently ongoing for the second prototype, which is expected for completion by the middle of the year, followed by its commercial launch later in the year.

Vienna University of Technology’s Jorg Reitterer said: "We are developing a second prototype which will display colour pictures with a higher resolution."

Image: Future billboards could show amazing 3D effects using the new technology. Photo: courtesy of TriLite.