Network file-server specialist Auspex Systems Inc has unveiled NeTservices, a new product designed to manage and share terabytes of NT and Unix data on the same file server. Auspex said the move was part of its move towards Windows NT as the basis for its file server software, and says it will be extending its network data access and management software into the WindowsNT marketplace. NeTservices is interoperable with WindowsNT machines used as primary or backup servers for NT client log-on validation, and enables its existing NetServer products to be integrated into NT- based corporate network environments. Auspex maintains NT and Unix clients will work at native performance levels while sharing the same data files on one consolidated file server. There is a native implementation of Microsoft’s CIFS file service protocol. NetServer is aimed at the company’s existing installed base with network file services support for Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and NT as well as MS-DOS clients. It should be available in the fourth quarter; no pricing.