AT&T Corp is working to try to circumvent blocks placed by America Online Inc to prevent AT&T’s instant messaging software from inter-operating with the systems run by AOL. AOL has already blocked similar attempts by Altavista Co, Yahoo Inc, Prodigy Inc and Microsoft Corp, prompting an IM arms race from which Microsoft eventually withdrew. AOL won’t comment. Executives have said that AOL shares with Microsoft and other competitors the goal of establishing an industry standard for IM, but that until such a standard is in place, permitting interoperability exposes its users to security risks.

Critics are scathing about this stance. When it comes to corporate flip-flops, AOL does more gyrations than the US Olympic gymnastics team, said Christopher Wolf, president of consumer advocacy group Hands Off the Internet. It all adds up to the worst case of corporate hypocrisy on the web. If this company really believes in openness, it can start by opening its network.