Desktop-to-host communications products supplier Attachmate Corp bought Vancouver, British Columbia-based KEA Systems Ltd for an undisclosed sum on December 31. KEA Systems’ VT 100 emulation products enable MS-DOS, Windows and Windows NT-based personal computers to communicate with IBM Corp mainframes and Digital Equipment Corp VAXes and Alpha AXPs, running OpenVMS and OSF/1. The personal computers can be based on either Intel Corp, Alpha or MIPS Technologies Inc chips. Bellevue, Washington-based Attachmate says it now intends to develop its own version of KEA’s VT emulation product with an Extra! look-and-feel. As a result of the move, KEA will become Attachmate Canada, but will lose no staff. Its products will still be sold under the KEA name by both its own and Attachmate’s distribution channels and also by Attachmate’s direct sales team.