AT&T Corp said Wednesday that an announcement concerning Robert Allen’s successor as chief executive is not imminent. While the company says it is making excellent progress in its efforts to find a new CEO, there will be no decision or announcement made when the board holds its regularly scheduled meeting this weekend. And Cable & Wireless Plc clearly doesn’t want its relatively new chief executive Dick Brown to replace Allen, and has issued a statement saying that Dick Brown has already achieved a great deal for Cable & Wireless businesses around the world but he believes a lot more remains to be done and is looking forward to staying at Cable & Wireless to see it through. Brown is seen as the favorite in some circles. AT&T would not comment further on the search, which has been ongoing since the resignation of John Walter as president and chief operating officer in July (CI No 3,205). Walter’s resignation came after the board declined to name him to the top post, something that had been expected since his arrival at the company in October 1996.