AT&T Co has given up the unequal struggle of trying to compete with Intel and Motorola in the race to sell 32-bit microprocessors and boards directly and opted to gain publicity for this side of its business by teaming up with systems integrators. Two systems integrators, Microproject International Inc of Los Angeles, and Mizar Inc of Minneapolis, have introduced the first fruits of this strategy by introducing systems based on the new AT&T 30MHz WE3220X chip set. Microproject has introduced an 8 MIPS Unicorn B/200, running Unix System V.3.1, which uses a separate Motorola 68020 as a disk controller to reduce bus traffic and speed data transfer between peripherals and main memory. Mizar has not yet got a version of its Unistar-32 VME/Unix development system with the new chips up and running but expects to have it available soon.