AT&T Corp is claiming to be the first inter-exchange service provider to offer Switched Virtual Circuits on an Asynchronous Transfer Mode service. According to the company, Switched Virtual Circuits will enable wide area network customers to establish real-time connections to any of its network destinations by using a range of connection speeds and asynchronous transfer mode service classes. AT&T’s Virtual Circuits offer addresses point- to-point and point-to-multipoint connections at access port speeds of T1 and T3. Currently, AT&T supports Constant Bit Rate and Variable Bit Rate Non-Real Time, service classes. The new offering also adds support for Unspecified Bit Rate. AT&T has also launched its Managed Network Solutions set of services, providing end-to-end managed network capabilities. This suite of professional services includes the management of transport and equipment associated with large-scale dynamic corporate networks, and will be supported by more than 1,000 AT&T employees and an investment in more than $80m worth of networking systems and tools, according to the company. Global customer networks are operated by seven interlinked network management hubs in Raleigh, Durham, North Carolina, New York City, Redditch in the UK, Amsterdam, Singapore, Bangalore in India and Shanghai in China. Managed Network Solutions will support different customer environments through a professional services model, as well as pre-configured management packages including managed routers, multiplexers and transport services.
